A propos du projet Gallio
Trasee Sp. z o.o. is implementing the project entitled "Gallio" on the basis of the Support Agreement concluded on 9 May 2022 with Tech - Impact Fund Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Kraków, Tech - Impact Fund Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością ASI Sp. k. with its registered office in Kraków and the National Centre for Research and Development with its registered office in Warsaw, co-financed from European Union funds under the Operational Programme Inteligent Development 2014-2020, Task 1.3: R&D works financed with the participation of capital funds, Sub-task 1.3.1: Support for research and development projects in the preseed phase by proof of concept funds - Bridge Alpha.
The aim of the project is to conduct research and development work in the area of the development of Gallio anonymisation software with particular emphasis on machine learning methods and the development of an application for selective anonymisation.
Project value: PLN 1,100,000.00. Amount of the project co-financing from the EU: 880,000.00 PLN.

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